• arrow keys
    • move cursor/eyeball monster
  • O - (C on keyboard)
    • place selected object
  • X + UP/DOWN
    • cycle through cursor modes
    • cycle through selected cursor options

Delete a building or belt by using the delete cursor mode.

Buildings and belts can be replaced by different buildings or belts. Belts can not be replaced by buildings or vice versa without first deleting the existing structure.


Produce resources by placing production buildings. Conveyor belts can be used to move resources (and the eyeball monster) around.

Control the eyeball monster by cycling all the way through the cursor modes


  1. (green) automatically produces logs
  2. (blue) consumes logs and produces firewood; logs must be moved onto building to be consumed
  3. (pink) consumes logs and produces planks; logs must be moved onto building to be consumed
  4. (grey roof, tan base) consumes logs and produces coal; logs must be moved onto building to be consumed
  5. (gold roof) automatically produces gold nuggets
  6. (grey roof, yellow base) consumes gold nuggets and produces gold keys; gold nuggets must be moved onto building to be consumed
  7. (light grey roof, brown base) storage; consumes all items and iterates counters
  8. (fuchsia roof, pink base) automatically produces cookies

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